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Setup & Performance


PS4 problems

Hi I can not watch any programmes on my PS4 I can load up now tv but when I click on programs to watch it will not load 

Internet interruption - ADSL down

I've had this repeated occasional disconnect whilst playing arma 3 online. Very frustrating as it happens in the middle of Ops that I cant just resume or reconnect to. I've only noticed it at this time.Checked the recent activity log and found this.J...

Ethernet cable not connecting to IP address

so here is the issue, I have the now tv hub 2. When I connect via wireless it is fine. When I connect via a devolo dLAN 500 duo Powerline it is fine although slower than usual. HOWEVER when I directly put my ethernet cable from PC to HUB it does not ...

Now TV App on Samsung Smart TV

I have only two devices on my now tv app and have not changed the bedroom tv since I got it. It keeps saying reached maximum devices allowed even though the bedroom tv is on the list of devices and I haven’t ever removed it??

No internet

I have woke up this morning and there is no internet. It was on lastnight. Just wondering what has happened? 

Loss of wifi connection

Hi, Our Now TV Broadband is working perfectly. However, our Wifi has just stopped and thrown out all devices. When we reconnect and enter the password for the Wifi it does not recognise it or connect. Any ideas?

Broadband down

Broadband isn't working tried resetting router etc as instructed no internet light. Logged into account continues to log me out despite resetting password and says problem  with password!  Help 

Resolved! Set up on BT TV

We have recently bought a new TV connected via broadband to BT TV. It comes with a series of apps, one of which is Now TV movies. I have tried simply subscribing to a NowTV sports package but there is no access to it via the NowTV app on my TV. How t...