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Horror Film of the Year! Ring vs The Grudge

OK so horror movie mashups don't have a great track record - Alien v Predator, Freddy Vs Jason but ....


For any fans of Asian Horror this has to be the film of the year ... 


Let's see Sadako and Kayako, two of the freakiest creations ever to come out of Japan, face off against each other!


@caseyb1993 you definitely need to watch this! It's out in Japan in June but there's no news on a UK release yet ... if it doesn't we definitely need to come up with a money making scheme to get us to Tokyo in time! 😄

6月18日(土)禁断の決戦が幕を開ける―― 『リング』シリーズ・貞子 VS 『呪怨』シリーズ・伽椰子 日本ホラー史上最大の歴史的スーパープロジェクト始動! 決して出会ってはいけない2つの「呪い」が絡まる時、世紀の最恐対決がはじまる! #さだかや
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Whilst we are on the subject of horrors @Andy, have you seen this site?


It's the NOWTV of horrors! I haven't joined but it looks good.

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@caseyb1993 Finally got round to watching the Nostalgia Critic review of my-IT ... Quite funny, altho think it was an old one as just glasses-guy on his own, not as funny as with the rest of the gang. He definitely had a point about the drinking game with the number of times a flashback was included! I never realised it was so bad! 😄 And I thought it was interesting he could review the whole 3 hours in 30 minutes when it took n hour and a half to review new-IT .... he only needed about 10 mins to review the whole second half cos, let's face it, not a lot happens there! 🙂


PS he didn't think much to spider-IT either! 

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@Andy I watched it a few days ago as well. 🙂


Yeah it seems to be when Doug (NC) was on his own or occasionally with his brother who made an appearance at the end with "Balloons"... 🎈🎈🎈

I may rewatch it and play that drinking game, that would be so fun. 😄


" WE WAITED 3 ......... HOURS FOR THAT!!"


I love the old NC stuff but that's because I've followed them for a while. 🙂


This is one of my favourite reviews!

I have quite a a lot of favourites but it would take forever to post all of them. 😄 😄

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Blimey I'm on a roll! Lazy afternoon so ended up watching the silent Phantom of the Opera (I can tick that off my list of top 100 horror films now!) Have to be honest got a bit bored in parts, partly cos silent films are always slow and also cos I know the story so well from the musicals etc but it had its moments. I couldn't help giggling at the mask which made him look like a waxwork, and at my favourite line "For Years I was known as Erik!" 😄


I did like the unmasking scene, even now the effect is really quite freaky, and the rooftop scene where he watches Christine and Raoul declare their love, he can pull some expressions! Liked the recolourisation they did as well in places. Still more of a Nosferatu fan tho!

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@Andy Yay!! 


I used to think the mask was masking tape for some reason! To be for I was like 8 when I first watched it. 😄


Glad you gave it a chance!


I'll just leave this here...

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@caseyb1993 What the ... Is there NO movie those guys haven't reviewed! 🙀 How many have you actually watched!?! Wonder if they will be panning Justice League as unsurprisingly the critic reviews aren't great! Talking of which you going to see it?

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@Andy Pretty much all of them...a lot.. 😄


Critic did a BvS/Suicide Squad review if you wanna check them out! They was hilarious! 


I am planning on seeing it. My dad wants to as well so waiting for him to have a day off. When he gets one I can book a day off to go see it. Hopefully soon. 😮

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@caseyb1993 Blimey, not sure I dare find out what they think of BvS! I still think we are the only two people who ever liked it, and you only liked it for any glimpse of Henry Cavill's pack! ;D


I'll be going but not for a week or two, have to avoid kids and popcorn! I'm sure I'll love it if nobody else does!


Must check out Nostalgia Critics take on some of favourite films just to see how they take the p--- out of it, surely they've not touched the sacred Exorcist? Bet they've ripped The Omen to shreds tho! 😄

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@Andy Critic has done the second Exorcist movie when he was on his own(not seen the movie but looking at the review it is horrible).


Can't recall The Omen or Exorcist though. 😮

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@caseyb1993 wrote:

@Andy Critic has done the second Exorcist movie when he was on his own(not seen the movie but looking at the review it is horrible).


@caseyb1993 Oh that's cool actually cos I bought Exorcist Anthology on bluray a few months back and haven't got round to watching so I watched Exorcist over Halloween and for the last few weeks been meaning to watch Ex2 - think I saw it way way back at school but can remember virtually nothing apart from some weird psychedelic lights with Linda Blair but I know it's pretty much every critics idea of the worst horror movie ever so now I know they've done a podcast on it it will spur me on to get it watched ASAP and then see what they say about it .... bet they went to town big time! 😄


@caseyb1993 @Andy @schnapps




You said, "Don't WB realise that is why the cinema versions suck?"  I understand that the decision was made so that JL, at 2 hours, could be shown in more theatres . 


As you can imagine, this is why I have said in the past that WB/DC does not respect the fans of it's comic book properties, that's why they still believe, despite all the evidence, that fans will watch their films regardless of how they are presented.


On a more personal note, my son gave up on WB/DC films after BvS and has refused to watch JL, he just doesn't trust WB/DC to turn out a good film, which shouldn't be that difficult.


BTW Andy, I actually liked the director's cut of BvS, the cinema release had all the coherency cut out of it.



UK Bob