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NowTV Hub2 Dynamic DNS setup for NO-IP

I am setting up the router to refresh NO-IP with my external IP addess.

I have selected NO_IP from the drop-down

I have added the host name that I created on NO-IP

For the username and password I have used my NO-IP login credentials that I log onto their site with.

When I click Apply I get "Invalid character found in your Password, please re-enter". It doesn't seem to like some non alpha/numeric characters that I've used.

Is this a limitation of the NowTV router? Have I got to change the password on NO-IP ? What are the limitations on the password characters ?


OK, I've partly answered my own question. By using underscores instead of other special characters the updated NO_IP password was accepted. I found an article on the NO_IP knowledge base that suggested that a proprtion of routers won't accept special characters. Would still be interested in confirming which characters are acceptable to the router.