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I call it fraud when Now decide to use your bank details without your consent. Why does this happen?

Why I am being charged for a service I cancelled is beyond me. This is not the first time! The last time they said it is because I had both mobile and sports app now you have nowhere to hide. Why am I being charged for a service I have already cancelled? Answer very carefully because I am close to suing!

Champion 2

NOW will not answer you here, they don't respond directly on the community. Did you get an email confirmation when you cancelled your memberships? Otherwise, use the green Chat online button near the top of the page here to contact the support team when they are online between 8:00am and midnight. 

Legend 5
Legend 5


To follow up from @redchiz1 did you get confirmation emails of the cancellation? Otherwise I hate to say you didn't go through the lengthy cancellation process.

To prevent any new memberships starting without your approval. Set up a payment PIN.

FYI that I do not work for NOW, just a NOW customer trying to help