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Broadband connection losses and changing IP address

Over the last two weeks my Broadband router has suddenly disconnected from the internet and automatically loaded up a self-heal page on my PC; after less than a minute the connection re-establishes and my internet continues as normal.


This wouldn't normally be a problem except I'm a server administrator and have a home office; from where I access remote servers for our company which are locked out to all but certain IP addresses. Each time this disconnection and self-heal occurs, I'm assigned a new IP, and unable to connect to the servers due to security settings in place on the work servers.


Having logged into my account and performed a connection check, everything "looks healthy" (albeit no information is actually provided to end users about the connection, of course) so my question is one of: can a member of the Now TV technical team have a look at our connection and identify the source of these disconnections, or otherwise is there an ideally free method to keep the servers updated with my current IP address? I could write myself a web service on the server, but this introduces an inherent weakness in the security currently in place.


It is my understanding from other posts that NowTV does not offer static IP which would of course be the painless solution.

  • PC