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Now tv

Can anyone tell me how to unsubscribe to this box has there appears no were to do this thanks

Now TV Box Suddenly Stopped Working

I've had my now tv box for a few months now, but recently it has stopped working. I turn it on and am able to change channels and use the remote for about 10 minutes, then it goes dead. The programme and now tv still works but the lights go off on th...

now tv box is not conecting to the internet

Hi The now tv box has not worked for the last 21 days it is not conecting to the internet have don all the trouble shooting and it still does not want to conect, it says there is a problem with the router i know this is not true as its a brand new ro...

now tv wont let me buy a pass

Can anyone tell me why my now tv account wont let me buy a pass ive just finished my free 2 month pass from when the box was brought and want to buy an entertainment pass after having movies pass for free

Device limit

I hve read back on this years and you have still not taken hundreds of customers feedback. We want to stream on out phones, laptops, tv's, computers, tablets, now tv boxes and games consoles. We don't want to have this 4 device limit. Frankly i am ca...

Want to cancel

Hi I signed up for the free trail for my sons ps3 which never worked so never even got chance to use it so want to cancel but it won't let me to it on my page where it says cancel and it's already tried taking payment which isn't meant to be due to t...

Resolved! NowTV box in reboot loop after unplugging

My NowTV box has been working perfectly fine for some time now but today I needed to plug something else in so disconnected the Now box from the mains. When I plugged it in I found it had gone into a loop, showing the reboot screen (with the balloons...

Access denied

My now TV box keeps asking me for my user name and password, I have done this correctly several times and it keeps saying my login details are incorrect. I have evenchanged my password. I can log on to my account ok with the same details.


Can anybody help me, I signed up only for the free trial and I've never actually watched anything because they don't show the box set I wanted! I've been trying to cancel ever since but I'm being charged £6.99 a month, I've tried going into my passes...