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Complain for now tv

My name is Sandra McNally like have bank account details remove off now tv want put complaints in what happen was £4.99 was rejected because my bank went into overdraft because of NOW TV trying to take 499 when I cancelled the description so you’re responsible for this outcome and I’m not gonna let you get away with it. You’re a horrible and a nasty company who think they do any more going put block on my bank account  want refund of£6.98

Legend 5
Legend 5


See this link to explain why you will ONLY speak to other customers like you and me.

As for a complaint, you need to contact NOW directly through one of the many routes in this link; live chat, webform, post.

FYI that I do not work for NOW, just a NOW customer trying to help


Did you get an email confirmation when you cancelled?

If not, you may not have entirely completed the process; and Now (thank goodness!) do not have access to our actual bank balances, and will have had no idea you were running your overdraft limit so close 😢

Set a Payment PIN on your account so that no-one but you can buy memberships on it.
Check your bank accounts monthly for any other unexpected payments to Now.
That way you can at least nip them in the bud, while you and Now figure out whose fault they are.
Yes you made go overdraft when taken £4.99 out my bank what say is want close account with now tv don’t anything do with it any more


Didn’t you read what @gavs82008 wrote? 😢

You don’t say ‘you’ here and mean Now. We are all customers, just like you. We didn’t take your money!

And @gavs82008 has told you how to get in touch with Now - please try it.

Set a Payment PIN on your account so that no-one but you can buy memberships on it.
Check your bank accounts monthly for any other unexpected payments to Now.
That way you can at least nip them in the bud, while you and Now figure out whose fault they are.

@Sandra what mean tried take £4.99 no money bank want closed now tv account now all together ok nothing do with now tv anymore 


@Sandra  want bank details taken off now tv account ok isn’t it about time now TV the people that run this TV app change things the way people want it so I want my name and the address taken off my account I want my bank details taken off so I have nothing to do with now. TV, you’re one of the crappy service I’ve ever known you don’t have anything decent on there just everything is rubbish. Why don’t you just remove the app because most of your stuff is from sky, the company you’re pathetic and disgraceful to any customers who don’t like this app it should be removed altogether. 

Legend 5
Legend 5


Did you read my post? Saying YOU is just pointless on here. Speak with staff using the method in my post. 

FYI that I do not work for NOW, just a NOW customer trying to help


tried get bank card remove off now tv@gavs82008 

Legend 5
Legend 5


Have you even spoken to staff using the method in my first post? 

They are the ones who can sort it out! 

FYI that I do not work for NOW, just a NOW customer trying to help