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Cancelling Service


I am trying to cancel my service but the phone number goes around in circles, says you've said nothing and they cut it off. No where to message anyone or get in contact. I dont want to transfer, move or any other option I just want to cancel. 

I feel I've got no option but to take them to court because they are not letting me cancel. 

Anyone have any ideas. 



A good start would be to specify what you are trying to cancel, and under what circumstances.

I presume it’s broadband, rather than streaming? But are you in contract, out of contract, or on the no-contract option?

I don’t know if you have looked at the Now Help? That’s a surprisingly comprehensive resource:-

The latter gives you an email option to get in touch, as well as a phone contact, which may or may not be the one you tried.

Life Hack: it is never a good idea to take someone to court before ensuring you have exhausted all the options they provide you with 😛


Set a Payment PIN on your account so that no-one but you can buy memberships on it.
Check your bank accounts monthly for any other unexpected payments to Now.
That way you can at least nip them in the bud, while you and Now figure out whose fault they are.