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Anonymous User
Not applicable

Your website is a joke

Ive spend the last half hour trying to do what should be a sinple thing.. buy one of these new NowTV sticks.. yet it is impossible!


If i am not logged in, i get redirect to no matter where i want to go.. nothing works on that page.. every link and navigation tab you click is broken.


If i am logged in i dont get re-directed to that link.. which in iteslef is weird if its for "existing customers". Find the actual page to buy the stick however is another mission altogether.. round and round and round in circles clicking on "nowtv stick" and "get offer" buttons to buy the darn thing only to be sent to the same page to buy a black box or voucher instead and thats when i actually get sent to the stick page to start with which often it sends me else where..


Finally i managed to get to the payment screen for the stick.. asks me to login even though i already am! So i logged in to my already logged in account, confirmed the delivery address, payment method (which is all upto date) and entered my payment pin.. oh what joy, those lovely spinning circles you guys like so much.. then nothing but a blank payment section.


Another 5 minutes spent then trying to get back through your labyringth of mis-drected and broken links to have attempt number two at buying this stick.. guess what?.. i click confirm to pay and its blank again!


Fair enough.. i give up.. you can keep your stick!!! Shame as maybe if you sold more of these things you could afford to employ a professional to design your website!


Well maybe it's a good thing.. if the quality of the stick is anything like this website then i am better off without it!




Anonymous User
Not applicable

Another example of the login issue..


This page says i am not logged in.. but if i click MyPasses or any other link to my account i am clearly logged in as shown in the second image.


This is the same case across the board.. every page appears to be seperate. You are never logged into the site as a whole.. nearly every page requires you to log into it seperatly, whether it be the account, watch now, purchase, listings or this forum. Some pages redirect to the skyid login while others take you to the new login shown below.



Anonymous User
Not applicable

That is because, SKY is linked with NOW TV!

Anonymous User
Not applicable

@Anonymous User

Yes i know that and have said that already. I dont think you understand the underlying issue here.. this is not about whever it is or is not linked but rather that the login system and linking does not work.

Anonymous User
Not applicable

Ok, the mystery goes even deeper than i thought..


Just been onto my black box > system info where it lists the account that i am logged into along with software version etc. All fine, its shows the correct e-mail address for my SkyID account im logged into. However if i go into the NowTV app on the box > My Account the e-mail address there is not my SkyID.. it's not my e-mail address at all..


So this issue is not just across the website, its across my entire account.


Reset the box, went through all the setup again, same result. I only have and only have ever had one single account, so this is not me getting mixed up or logging into the worng one (before anyone suggests that). I have one single account that is showing completely different account details depending on where i look on both the website and the box.


Seems i can not purchase passes either via the site or the box, so its not just the stick i can not buy.


I really think this needs looking into.. the only thing i seem to be able to do with my account is post on this darn forum 😞




Anonymous User
Not applicable

Well i bought a new black box from Amazon in the end as after reading reviews i was put off getting the Stick. £11.99 for box with 2 months ent pass plus a £5.49 sky store voucher.. bargain.


Shame that as per usual the problems being reported are just being ignored, my account is still all messed up, no repsonce from any staff member.. well the usual NowTV service of course.


At least i was able to apply the voucher code.. so i can't buy any sticks/boxes/passes or even view my account details but a voucher code works.


Guess i will make use of the two months i now have to watch some boxsets then call it a day. Shame, i really thought NowTV might of improved since 6 months back when i last used it but seemigly it is much worse now than ever. Aside from my account being completely messed up, website even more buggy than it was, live chat that never works, i now see how mucked up the app is.. in particular the watchlist. It no longer sync's across devices/account (and maybe is the account issue thats the problem there) but half the shortcuts don't work.. "oops something went wrong", i can no longer add a programme without getting all the stupid "extras" also being added which you have to then scroll through, it even adds extras that are "no longer available".. whats the point in that!! You try delete a show, it deletes a ton of other related things also.. what a complete mess.. what idiot thought this was a good system?


oh, and then theres the adverts we must now suffer before each episode.. great now if i watch something like South park with 18min episodes i have to put up with an advert break between each one.. loud, flahy, horrid things too. May as well stick with Freeview for that crap! You cant even take a peak at a particular episode or set/show to see what it is like and if it might appeal to you without first having to watch a advert.. oh and by the way.. why would i want to watch an advert for something i already have!!


I used to love NowTV.. was really great when i joined years back.. but now just another company that got too big for there boots.. see's the £ signs and loose's the quality and never listens to the customer, and as i am sure many will confirm, customer service is terrible.. the usual robotic, non english speaking drones.


When i think of NowTv i don't picture some awsome professional streaming company.. i picture a small group of spotty teenagers attempting to run an online service from their bedroom or basment, with no experiance or real knowledge on what they are doing..



Anonymous User
Not applicable

@Anonymous User   You are better off going to Argos, they are doing deals where you’re getting the stick for a few pounds, get the stick with the sports pass and the stick works out Free