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The Three Laws

Dear Forum Members


I have over the years come to believe in the following three laws, especially when it comes to computers and computer related equipment.


1) KISS, better known as Keep It Simple Stupid.  Simply put, the more complicated you make your computer set-up the more chances you have of something vital, or a range thereof, but unknown things going wrong which will be very difficult to find and put right.


2) If it isn't broken then don't fix it.  This comes under the heading of unnecessary tinkering, usually done for curiosity purposes only. 


3) Sod's Law. Whatever can go wrong will go wrong. This Law can be further extended by adding:


a) When you least expect it.




b) When the person who can fix the problem is unavailable.


Please note, any other laws that I have missed or not thought of will be welcomed.



UK Bob

Legend 5
Legend 5

@ukbobboy I was always taught what goes around, comes around. It can take forever but one day, the score is settled even if it doesn't seem that it will.


You are having no luck are you? Smiley Very Happy

We had a power cut Christmas day 2014 when I was recording a film. I was not impressed.Woman Frustrated

I am not staff, I am a customer that likes to help,
so please click the Thank You/Thumbs Up button if I helped you out and maybe even accept it as a solution? 🙂
Legend 5
Legend 5

@ukbobboy wrote:



You guys have got it all wrong, it's the wi-fi Robot LOL , it's all in the wi-fi.



Oh yes you are absolutely right there, it's the messages they send via electromagnetic waves which are compelling us to bend to their will. If it works for Village of the Damned it can work for Terminator!


However after extensive research on dodgy conspiracy websites I've found a fool-proof way of defeating the machines' dastardly plans.



a86d894facd2497b5830ddb9b18da5ca.jpg I just need to save up enough money for lead-lined underpants and I'm completely safe...




Spot on, I'm off to get some more kitchen/tin foil. Smiley Tongue Smiley Tongue Smiley Tongue



UK Bob

Legend 5
Legend 5

Hi @ukbobboy


At the risk of sounding like a complete movie nerd. Smiley LOL Aren't the three laws from I robot Smiley Wink

I do not work for Now . I am simply a Now customer trying to help I am a Community Contributor This means that I know a lot about the service. But just like you I am still a customer. This means I cannot help you with issues that would involve looking into your account directly. A member of the now TV forum team or live chat will need to assist you with these issues.



Well, yes and no.


My "Three Laws" are the laws of life and how I, and most other people, have experienced it over the years.


The "Three Laws" you are thinking of are usually called the "Three Laws of Robotics" or "Asimov Laws of Robotics", which are as follows:


1) A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.


2) A robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.


3) A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.


Now, I could go into the whole spiel on how Isaac Asimov, a very famous sci-fi writer and former scientist, came up with these laws and how he wrote a whole series of books on how a robot could circumvent these laws but I won't.  Instead I'll direct you to the following Wikipedia web page:-



UK Bob