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Horror Film of the Year! Ring vs The Grudge

OK so horror movie mashups don't have a great track record - Alien v Predator, Freddy Vs Jason but ....


For any fans of Asian Horror this has to be the film of the year ... 


Let's see Sadako and Kayako, two of the freakiest creations ever to come out of Japan, face off against each other!


@caseyb1993 you definitely need to watch this! It's out in Japan in June but there's no news on a UK release yet ... if it doesn't we definitely need to come up with a money making scheme to get us to Tokyo in time! 😄

6月18日(土)禁断の決戦が幕を開ける―― 『リング』シリーズ・貞子 VS 『呪怨』シリーズ・伽椰子 日本ホラー史上最大の歴史的スーパープロジェクト始動! 決して出会ってはいけない2つの「呪い」が絡まる時、世紀の最恐対決がはじまる! #さだかや
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Whilst we are on the subject of horrors @Andy, have you seen this site?


It's the NOWTV of horrors! I haven't joined but it looks good.

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@Andy I have news that you may or may not be interested in. @Anonymous User I know you will be interested! 🙂


Netflix have released the trailer for their Death Note adaptation and it doesn't look too bad. I am so glad they kept the character Ryuk the Death God/Shinigami in as when Warner Bros wanted to do an adaptation, they wanted to drop him like a lead balloon. 😞


Willem Dafoe has to be the perfect voice for this character. 


let me know what you think. 😉


Some people have left nasty comments on the video. I am going to watch it with an open mind this time. 






The Poster looks great too!



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@caseyb1993 That looks really good Casey, I'll definitely be adding it to the old watchlist. Take it it's originally an anime? After Okja, it seems Netflix are getting just as good as producing great creative movies as they are revolutionising the TV show. Good for them, might teach the old studios a thing or two!

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Legend 5

@ukbobboy @caseyb1993


OMG watched Okja and have to say, absolutely bl**dy brilliant! Like a modern-day E.T. in the way it pulls on your heartstrings (yes, even mine!) and features a fantastic chemistry between the young child actor and the 'creature'. Super pigs make for loads of awwww moments, and as well as lots of drama, excitement and 'I think I've got something in my eye' moments there's lots of very funny scenes (ever wondered what super pig doo-doo is like?) and it's very thought provoking as well. If I wasn't already vegetarian I reckon it would convert me!


Definitely a film that will stay with you long after its finished, utterly charming! Make sure you watch it next time you're Netflixing!

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Anyone watched any of the Salem TV show? Netflix has just dropped 3 seasons, period drama based on the witch trials, looks like it could be interesting. Mind end up having to stay with Netflix another month!

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@Andy Yep, and a cracking anime it is! 




I don't have Netflix at the mo, so will add Okja to my watchlist when I get it. Probably 25th August for Death Note. 😄

Gotta love Ryuk's "shall we begin?" line in the trailer. 😮

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@caseyb1993 You appear as if by magic! Hey just checked and the anime is on Netflix - 37 episodes one season, is that the lot? Worth watching or is it one for anime experts only? Is if the full story or do you end up having to watch another 100 eps they haven't got?

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Legend 5

Blimey that's some kick ass gothic rock anthem they got going as the theme music, wasn't expecting that's! 😄

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Legend 5

@Andy It is only 37 episodes in total. 😉

Nope, anyone can watch it, you don't need to be an anime expert for this one. The English dub is actually quite good so I do recommend you watch it dubbed. 😉


You will love Ryuk! 😄


The anime tends to go in its own direction from the manga books. I think that is because the manga was still on going when the anime was completed. So it kind of has a different ending. 


If you do start to watch it, enjoy! 🙂

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@caseyb1993 Ah that's cool Casey cheers, I'll watch the first ep tonight and let you know what I think. They're,only 20 mins each so that's like a 13 episode TV season, not too bad. As you know I'm an anime novice so I can't cope with 150 episodes and complex plots! 😄

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Legend 5

@Andy So that crosses Pokemon, Bleach, Naruto and One Piece off the list then! They are really long series! 😄


I hope you like it, after a few episodes, I was hooked the first time I saw it! 😮


Just forget that it is an anime if that helps. 😉



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