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Anonymous User
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Status: Implemented

Netflix (US) has become famous partly through it's queue function, which allows users to add titles they're interested in to a virtual queue or favourites list. It's a lot easier then writing them down on a scrap of paper.


Netflix UK has oddly never implemented it, despite users repeatedly asking for it. LoveFilm also lacks this feature on their streaming apps. Now TV has 'my movies', which works like Netflix's 'last played', and can work as a queue of sorts by playing a bit of a film you're interested in. It works, but it's clunky.


So how about an 'add to queue' or 'add to my movies' button in the various Now TV apps?  Shouldn't be hard to do, but would be useful.

Anonymous User
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@Anonymous User - sorry, I should have been clearer that the Game of Thrones example was a theoretical one. However, I see that there's only 15 days left and I doubt whether my household will have a chance to get together to watch them before they go.

Anonymous User
Not applicable
NOW box lack the bility to create a list that contains favourite movies or "o watch later" movies. It would be good to have that feature like any entertainment streaming service.
Anonymous User
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would love to see a "to watch list" especially for the movies.

So often do i see a film and think i'll watch that tomorrow then forget what it was! think im getting old and alzheimers is setting in.

and so more old classic films would be great

i think the entertainment package is so much more improved now.

Anonymous User
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Netflix and Amazon both have had this feature for a long time, and for good reason.  It should be number 2 on the "must have" feature list (right after 1080p/5.1), but sadly Now TV are still years behind the competition on both features and picture/sound quality.

Anonymous User
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would be great to have the same for the entertainment pass as often want to watch more than one series at a time and is easy to lose track of what episode your on, cannot believe that for sky this is a challenge

Anonymous User
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Hi Seriousjoker,


I scroll for ages to find all those movies I like, but haven't seen in ages - those ones you'd watch on impulse!  To get around not being able to mark something to watch later, I start the movie and then close it.  

This puts it in the My TV listing for me to find later on.  


It's a bit clunky and not how My TV is supposed to work, but might help whilst they are building the proper solution.  


Best,  Delinmk

Anonymous User
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I would like a box that works properly on days when theres big matches and ive bought a pass instead of giving me free passes to replace mine that was useless because tv cocked up most of the day .maybe let people exchange there useless sport pass for a movie pass seeing as the premiership is won and football seasons over


Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi, I noticed when you begin to play a video it gets put into the My TV section. I however have an idea to add a button next to "WATCH NOW", a button like: "ADD TO MY TV LIST" so this will remind people to watch a film so for example they want to watch "OZ the great and powerfull" but would like to "The next karate kid" at a later date; then they could click the "ADD TO MY TV LIST" button to come back to it later instead of having to begin to play it just for it to appear in the list. How's that for an idea!?





Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hey SGTAtlantis,


That's an awesome idea.


Just to let you know, I've moved your post over to our Your Ideas section. If you have any more please post them here. 😄





Anonymous User
Not applicable

I agree - maybe reduce my tv to 4 or 5 entries. the Favourites idea is good with maybe a notifier functionality when a new episode is available - there is so much tv out there it's very difficult to remember/ keep up with.