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Expired downloads taking up space

I downloaded some episodes to watch offline on the Android app, but they expired due to the show being no longer available on Now.


However, they still appear to take up space on Now app (12.12GB used with no accessible downloads available), and I can't delete as they're not shown in the Downloads list.


I guess I could uninstall/reinstall, but will that use one of my devices up?

Champion 2

That's a lot of storage space! I don't know about Android, but iOS gives you the option to purge downloads from any given app. Even if you have to reinstall it, devices are updated on a dynamic basis these days and the old monthly time limits no longer apply on removing, or adding. 




Android just gives you the option to clear all app storage, but that's pretty much the same as uninstall/reinstall.


Actually, I just tried it, and the OS's "Clear storage" deleted the downloads, but left me logged in (as Now register's a system-wide account). All good, thanks!


Interesting bug though, I wonder if it happens all the time and they never tested clearing up expired shows, or whether this is some edge case.

Legend 5
Legend 5


You don't need to worry about "using up one of your device slots". The device registration method was removed from NOW last year. 


All that's required is to log in and you can start watching. 

FYI that I do not work for NOW, just a NOW customer trying to help