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Expert 2

Can't locate "CHICAGO MED" on my app; anyone else have same isssue?

Though I can see Chicago Med on my WATCHLIST on my laptop, when I search on my Smart TV stick, it doesn't even find PROGRAMME when I search for, besides not showing on WATCHLIST?


Chicago MED.jpg

Legend 5
Legend 5

Hi @Geluk 

Chicago Med doesn't get picked up also under search on my Google TV NOW App.

Where I have to go to "channels" Sky Witness to find the folder with S7 and S8.

Legend 5
Legend 5

I just noticed another quirk when adding Chicago Med to my Watchlist on my Chromecast Google 4K TV.

It does seem to add Chicago Med but for some reason it adds The Good Doctor also to my Watchlist.

Where if I then remove The Good Doctor it also automatically removed Chicago Med as well.

Also it's the same if I add The Good Doctor it will also add Chicago Med to my Watchlist.

@ContentTeam can you investigate this further.

Legend 5
Legend 5

Hi @ContentTeam ,

Just tried on my Roku Stick Plus and again Chicago Med doesn't get found under the search section of the NOW App, but on Roku when I try to add Chicago Med to my Watchlist it doesn't appear on the Roku.

Legend 5
Legend 5

My Android tablet NOW App does exactly the same quirk has my Chromecast 4K Google TV, where Chicago Med can't be found during a search in the NOW App, but can be found going directly to the Sky Witness channel.

Then from there if you add Chicago Med to your Watchlist it also automatically adds The Good Doctor as well.

Expert 2

Thanks all; something odd here then.

I'd previously removed The Good Doctor from my WATCHLIST; I searched for it and it showed up as a thumbnail in search, next to Chicago Med, and it allowed me to add [the latter] to my WATCHLIST 🙂

Legend 5
Legend 5

Typing The Good Doctor in the NOW App search also brings up for me Chicago Med.

Where typing Chicago Med in the search brings up no results only the two other Chicago franchise TV shows.

Very odd @ContentTeam.

Legend 5
Legend 5

The search and add to Watchlist seems to be working again has you would expect for Chicago Med (only checked on my Roku Stick Plus).