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Windows PCs & Laptops


appalling customer service

i have signed up to nowtv and my laptop is added to the devices able to watch yet it says i have reached my max amount of devices so unable to watch anything. and i cant contact any customer services. why is this?

Windows 10 app

I have just installed the windows 10 app. Logged in with no problems. When I try to play a film I get the audio but the screen is black!! Didn't realise Now TV also did radio!!! Has anyone else had this problem and successfully fixed it?

Really flipping annoyed now.

Well yet again the stupid way Now TV works means I can't watch it on my Phone now. Because I was trying to figure out how to watch it through my TV, I had removed one device and had one available slot to add a new device, but by trying both the app a...

Re: no picture

Is there anybody there? I get no picture on my desktop, and can't find the Contact Us icon which I'm told is at the bottom of the page. No, it isn't!  This is awful.

Watching Now TV through WIDI on Smart TV from PC

So I can watch Now TV on my PC using either the App or Browser, but if I try and display the video on my Smart TV using it via WIDI as an extended desktop monitor it won't allow me to play the video. This seems pretty ridiculous as I am playing it on...

Now TV Box won't load films

My laptop will not play the films, the loading circle just keeps loading.  It's on my laptop so I have no box to move around, I have cleared my internet history and checked the internet signal (excellent)  I'm so confused.


Hi there, I've recently signed up to Now TV and realised it doesn't work on a Chromebook because Chrome doesn't have Silverlight (being a google device, it only has google software). Are there any plans in making in work in Chrome? I've been using my...

Contact Us

I just want to log into NowTV to do what it advertises-to watch TV. Yet I'm taken in circles. No matter what content I click on it loads loads loads, and I tested my speed at 30.81. Supposedly Google Chrome is no good. It says I can't access content ...

Can't log in :(

I normally use chrome, which won't allow me to use now tv. Fine, so I've tried internet explorer and forfox. but neither will recognise my log in details. chrome, hwoever, will. so i can access my account on chrome but not watch it one any other brow...