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New CW Season of Super Hero Shows

@Andy @caseyb1993 @mark_suff @commanda6




Last night I found out that CW's new super hero season will start on 4th October in the US, the shows first episodes, subject to confirmation, are as follows:


Flash, Tuesday, 4th October - 23 episodes.


Arrow, Wednesday, 5th October - 23 episodes.


Supergirl - Friday, 7th October - 20 episodes. NB. this is a one off Friday night episode .


Supergirl - Monday, 10th October - Unknown whether this is episode  2 or Friday's repeat. NB. Monday's are this shows regular spot.


Legends of Tomorrow, Thursday 13th October - 16 episodes.


I understand that the four way crossover will not take place before episode 8 of Flash and Arrow.


I'm pumped Fist Pump and Yes emoticon (Yes emoticons)and waiting for the new CW season.



UK Bob


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The plane is still there @ukbobboy , you just can't see it 🙂 ahha

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Calm down @Andy 😉

@ukbobboy@As someone who hasn't seen her original show, I can't really respond. I have seen the odd clip here and there though.

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so please click the Thank You/Thumbs Up button if I helped you out and maybe even accept it as a solution? 🙂
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@caseyb1993 But ... But .... But .... LYNDA CARTER!!!!!!!!



she's a wonder, Wonder Woman!

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@Andy Remember, this show was before my time 😉



I am not staff, I am a customer that likes to help,
so please click the Thank You/Thumbs Up button if I helped you out and maybe even accept it as a solution? 🙂
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@caseyb1993 I'll lend you the DVDs if you want! And I'm using your replies as any excuse to post more pictures of LYNDA CARTER!!!!!!! .... so you may as well accept defeat and give up now! 😉




She's a wonder, Wonder Woman!!

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@Andy Ahem...


I am not staff, I am a customer that likes to help,
so please click the Thank You/Thumbs Up button if I helped you out and maybe even accept it as a solution? 🙂
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My Wonder Woman's better than your Wonder Woman ...



Hmm, ok so she's not really and that's annoyed me now! 😉

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@Andy Mwahhh ha haaaa 😄

I am not staff, I am a customer that likes to help,
so please click the Thank You/Thumbs Up button if I helped you out and maybe even accept it as a solution? 🙂
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@caseyb1993 ... but you have to admit my Wonder Woman has a kick-a$$ theme tune ...

clear version of Wonder Woman opening theme from season 1
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@Andy Ummmmmm.... Sure why not? 😉

I am not staff, I am a customer that likes to help,
so please click the Thank You/Thumbs Up button if I helped you out and maybe even accept it as a solution? 🙂
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Legend 5

@caseyb1993 excellent! Do you think @ukbobboy is thoroughly regretting mentioning Lynda Carter yet or do we need to drum it in a little more! 😄