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Elite 2

The end is Nigh - Now comunity shutdown and byes

With the forums due to close by the end of today ( in theory) it looks like this is it , certainly been a different atmosphere on here than other ISP user/help forums that i have been on in the past with most people asking/struggling with the very basics which has resulted in some frustrating posts from users -stuff like  my wifis broken to how do i plug my hub2 into my tv to watch game of thrones? and so on .

 Its been nice to help people and hopefully they in turn have gained a little knowledge - even if my replies and advice has been a little blunt ( customer service wouldn't be a job for me)

 But anyway looks like this is it, and with Now Broadband being prominently "powered by Sky" it makes you think how much longer the streaming service will last as a separate entity before it too is folded into Sky

Elite 3

And it's bye from me too.😢


Hands up those who now think the mysterious two-week shutdown we had a while back was a Machiavellian plot, a dress rehearsal for this to see if the sky fell in or not. And when it didn’t, they concluded that shutting it down wouldn’t make a blind bit of difference - so they did that 😢

Anyway, you won’t find me on Witter, so I guess I’ll finally have some time to build that Lego Dune Ornithopter 🦟

Set a Payment PIN on your account so that no-one but you can buy memberships on it.
Check your bank accounts monthly for any other unexpected payments to Now.
That way you can at least nip them in the bud, while you and Now figure out whose fault they are.
Elite 2

@RoyBLooks like they couldn't even get the shutdown right