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Legend 5

Horror Film of the Year! Ring vs The Grudge

OK so horror movie mashups don't have a great track record - Alien v Predator, Freddy Vs Jason but ....


For any fans of Asian Horror this has to be the film of the year ... 


Let's see Sadako and Kayako, two of the freakiest creations ever to come out of Japan, face off against each other!


@caseyb1993 you definitely need to watch this! It's out in Japan in June but there's no news on a UK release yet ... if it doesn't we definitely need to come up with a money making scheme to get us to Tokyo in time! 😄

6月18日(土)禁断の決戦が幕を開ける―― 『リング』シリーズ・貞子 VS 『呪怨』シリーズ・伽椰子 日本ホラー史上最大の歴史的スーパープロジェクト始動! 決して出会ってはいけない2つの「呪い」が絡まる時、世紀の最恐対決がはじまる! #さだかや
Legend 5
Legend 5

Whilst we are on the subject of horrors @Andy, have you seen this site?


It's the NOWTV of horrors! I haven't joined but it looks good.

I am not staff, I am a customer that likes to help,
so please click the Thank You/Thumbs Up button if I helped you out and maybe even accept it as a solution? 🙂

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@Anonymous User Ooh look at us, we'll be able to compare notes and everything! 😉


Thought if I was joining the club I'd better get the vocab right, then I go around saying "Scooby Doo is not anime, ya noob!!!" 


And just to make sure I'm fitting in properly, am I supposed to go out in public dressed like this ...






or is that just optional? Smiley Indifferent



Anonymous User
Not applicable

@Andy Damn you're a quick learner! You'll be overtaking me by the time you're my anime age


Smiley Very Happy my know if you're going to be hanging around me that is compulsory. I'll give you a full dress code later

Legend 5
Legend 5

@Andy wrote:



Hilarioustastic!! Would give that 50 thanks if I could! 😄




Ooh!! I thought it was getting complicated now Misa has turned up and was going all Fatal Attraction psycho-girlfriend on Light, and then her shinigami getting all "touch Misa and you're dead" haha. Light's not getting it all his own way now is he!! And L was starting to do my head in with his might be 3% or 5% nonsense, I'm like "cmon, can't you see it's 100% Light, he's manipulating you all over the place!!!!"

And now Misa and Light have given up their books and some sort of Doctor Evil business group are now running the show, huh where did that come from? Is that all Misa's shinigami or is that something Light set up beforehand? Getting confused now! And I'm still only half-way through, phew!!



That is L though, he leaves no stone unturned.... 😉
Huh, I'm struggling to remember the "Doctor Evil business" bit. I think I know but if I answer, I may end up spoiling it.
I really need that box set soon! 
Just remember though, Light knows what he is doing. 😉


@Anonymous User I just rejoined MAL for the first time in years! I've had a lot of "Welcome" messages on the forum! 😄 😄

Let me know when you return!

I am not staff, I am a customer that likes to help,
so please click the Thank You/Thumbs Up button if I helped you out and maybe even accept it as a solution? 🙂
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It's that Yotsuba group but I'm still not sure how they've ended up with the deathnote


True fact I've been on a caffeine-free diet for the last fortnight and had my first latte today and I'm not kidding I'm positively wired, which is why I'm trying to get through a load of eps tonight. It might also explain why I'm not sure if I've been hallucinating or genuinely watching ...




the bit where Misa brings round all her supermodel girlfriends to the Yotsuba office and all the Doctor Evil group slip on their pink slippers with the fluffy hearts on to 'have a party' ....



Yeah, might have to go caffeine-free for another week! 😄


Netflix runs out on Tuesday so still gonna have to put in some serious watching this weekend to get to episode 37!!!! 


PS I'll have to think of a really good username before I sign up to MAL. I can't just be AnimeAndy!!

Legend 5
Legend 5

@Andy That would be easy for me as I can't stand coffee! Ugh, the smell of it is vile. Smiley Mad

I'm more of a tea lady myself. 😄


Don't worry, my username isn't the best but you can change it once of month. 😉

Oh, how nice! 2 more welcome comments on my page! 

I am not staff, I am a customer that likes to help,
so please click the Thank You/Thumbs Up button if I helped you out and maybe even accept it as a solution? 🙂
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Legend 5

@caseyb1993 Yeah I'm mostly tea, but unfortunately as soon as I've finished one cup I start the next, hence my fortnight off! Met a friend for lunch today so ended up having a coffee after and wham!!! 😄


Yep I just checked, I wasn't hallucinating that really did happen in episode 19! Over half way now so feeling chuffed and off to watch the next now ...


PS I've been a very bad boy - I ordered the Deathnote movie on DVD on Amazon 😞 


@caseyb1993 @Andy @Anonymous User


Hi Casey


That Death Note trailer you posted (Death Note within Death Note) is undoubtedly the best trailer I have ever seen, and I agree with Andy, it's worth "50 thank you" points.


C'mon Ryan, make it happen.


As for tea, yeah this is my favourite:


                                       PG Granules.jpg



I just can't be bothered with bags, pyramids, circles or any of that old fashioned nonsense anymore.



UK Bob

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Legend 5

@ukbobboy not sure how those are made but I do know from having worked for a tea company that tea bags are full of dust.

Please take a moment to click thanks or marked as solution if this answered your question. I am a community contributor and pop on when I can.



Cheers for that piece of info, I had no idea tea bags were partially padded out with dust.


However, I'm not really surprised simply because dust adds weight and the consumer falsely believes he/she is getting value for money, rather than spending money for dust.



UK Bob






Legend 5
Legend 5

@ukbobboy who said that they were padded out.... Tea bags are made with the dust produced when tea leaves are ground. The dust is a bi product.
Please take a moment to click thanks or marked as solution if this answered your question. I am a community contributor and pop on when I can.