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Legend 5

Horror Film of the Year! Ring vs The Grudge

OK so horror movie mashups don't have a great track record - Alien v Predator, Freddy Vs Jason but ....


For any fans of Asian Horror this has to be the film of the year ... 


Let's see Sadako and Kayako, two of the freakiest creations ever to come out of Japan, face off against each other!


@caseyb1993 you definitely need to watch this! It's out in Japan in June but there's no news on a UK release yet ... if it doesn't we definitely need to come up with a money making scheme to get us to Tokyo in time! 😄

6月18日(土)禁断の決戦が幕を開ける―― 『リング』シリーズ・貞子 VS 『呪怨』シリーズ・伽椰子 日本ホラー史上最大の歴史的スーパープロジェクト始動! 決して出会ってはいけない2つの「呪い」が絡まる時、世紀の最恐対決がはじまる! #さだかや
Legend 5
Legend 5

Whilst we are on the subject of horrors @Andy, have you seen this site?


It's the NOWTV of horrors! I haven't joined but it looks good.

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Anonymous User
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@caseyb1993 Hahahaha I had no idea there even was a dub of this! I'll have to check out some snippets ^^


@Andy Ohhhhh no we don't! I can't be scaring you guys off already can I?

Legend 5
Legend 5

@Anonymous User wrote:


If we're talking about our weird animated crushes, I think I need to back away slowly so my dignity can be spared..

Oh no we definitely want to hear about them, don't we people of NOW TV?


*NOW TV people roar a collective "we do"*


It can't be worse than all 3 Teen Angels from Captain Caveman which was another childhood crush of mine.


What about you @caseyb1993 , did you fancy Hong Kong Phooey?

Legend 5
Legend 5

@Andy @Anonymous User This is hilarious!! 


The anime characters reacting to the new movie trailer. 😄 


As far as I am aware Andy, this doesn't contain anime spoilers. 😉



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Hilarioustastic!! Would give that 50 thanks if I could! 😄




Ooh!! I thought it was getting complicated now Misa has turned up and was going all Fatal Attraction psycho-girlfriend on Light, and then her shinigami getting all "touch Misa and you're dead" haha. Light's not getting it all his own way now is he!! And L was starting to do my head in with his might be 3% or 5% nonsense, I'm like "cmon, can't you see it's 100% Light, he's manipulating you all over the place!!!!"

And now Misa and Light have given up their books and some sort of Doctor Evil business group are now running the show, huh where did that come from? Is that all Misa's shinigami or is that something Light set up beforehand? Getting confused now! And I'm still only half-way through, phew!!


Legend 5
Legend 5

So what is the MyAnimeList that you're talking about @Anonymous User @caseyb1993


Had a quick look, is it just a forum or what?

Anonymous User
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@Andy Yeah it's a Forum but it's also a huge collection of all past, currently airing and upcoming anime. So it's a great place to for suggestions based on what you've watched so far (you add anime to your lists)


You can click on anyone that you find interesting, read up on what it's about, find out how many episodes it has, when episodes are coming out, see who's starring in it, or anything really 🙂 


So you can organise everything that you plan to watch or you're currently watching (you'll need to do this by the way because really, a flood is coming)

Legend 5
Legend 5

@Anonymous User Haha, so it's where all the cool anime kids hang out, well I'm just gonna have to sign up to that then and then I can casually drop "yeah check out my list on MAL if you like" into conversations and be a cool anime kid like you and Casey! 😄


Yes I was going to ask for recommendations, when I get to the end of Deathnote I'll tell you what I liked and didn't like so you can fine tune some top ideas for me!

Anonymous User
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@Andy The cool anime kids also hang out in the "Horror Film of the Year!  Death Note Spoilers" thread in the NOW TV forum, isn't that right @caseyb1993? *wink wink* 


Haha you must do! I'll finally be able to jump back on there and use it again so let me know when you've done it!


Oh I got a bunch of them, I'll be waiting for your feedback so I can adjust my recommendations for you ^^

Legend 5
Legend 5

@Anonymous User wrote:

@Andy The cool anime kids also hang out in the "Horror Film of the Year!  Death Note Spoilers" thread in the NOW TV forum, isn't that right @caseyb1993? *wink wink* 


Oh you are so right there @Anonymous User cmon forum people, hang out in here with Andy, Ryan and Casey ...






This is where da party happening bro! 😄

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As usual @Andy you made me burst out laughing in the office! Now it's happened twice thanks to that and the parody video haha


@caseyb1993 Me too! Smiley Very Happy I'm back on there now, everything is so out of date and I'm cringing at some of the things on there from my past! Not sure if I want to share anything 😛 (come on Andy you're the missing piece in this trilogy!)


@ukbobboy I'll see what I can do 😉