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Horror Film of the Year! Ring vs The Grudge

OK so horror movie mashups don't have a great track record - Alien v Predator, Freddy Vs Jason but ....


For any fans of Asian Horror this has to be the film of the year ... 


Let's see Sadako and Kayako, two of the freakiest creations ever to come out of Japan, face off against each other!


@caseyb1993 you definitely need to watch this! It's out in Japan in June but there's no news on a UK release yet ... if it doesn't we definitely need to come up with a money making scheme to get us to Tokyo in time! 😄

6月18日(土)禁断の決戦が幕を開ける―― 『リング』シリーズ・貞子 VS 『呪怨』シリーズ・伽椰子 日本ホラー史上最大の歴史的スーパープロジェクト始動! 決して出会ってはいけない2つの「呪い」が絡まる時、世紀の最恐対決がはじまる! #さだかや
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Whilst we are on the subject of horrors @Andy, have you seen this site?


It's the NOWTV of horrors! I haven't joined but it looks good.

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Yeaahhh, it is quite complicated towards the end. 😞

Here you go, your dummies guide. 😉
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@caseyb1993 @Andy @schnapps


Hi Casey


Sorry to cut in on your "Death Note" conflab but I just thought I'd report that my son and his fiance saw "Spider-Man: Homecoming" on saturday and he liked it so much that he gave it 10 out of 10, i.e. 100%.


He said it had good action sequences and some good comedy elements, all in all he was very happy with the film.


                                       Spider-Man - Homecoming (2017).jpg



UK Bob

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hi @ukbobboy


My colleague went to see it and said it was the worst movie out of all of them. 😮

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As for Spider-Man, I've got good hopes for the film and I like Tom Holland but I won't be catching at the cinema as there's other things I want to catch (like a certain monkey movie out this week) so it'll have to wait until it comes on home release.


Having said that, I might not be seeing it at the cinema but if Tom Holland ever brought his Rihanna drag show to the UK I'd pay good hard cash to go and see that, he's got the moves!


Apparently he wants to do a Hulk/Spider-Man mashup next, and that sounds like loads of fun if it ever arrived, especially if we could get She Hulk in there as well!

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@Andy Sometimes you have to rewatch an anime to understand it as there can be a lot you missed the first time you watch it. 

Like you do with GoT. 🙂

I am not staff, I am a customer that likes to help,
so please click the Thank You/Thumbs Up button if I helped you out and maybe even accept it as a solution? 🙂
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@caseyb1993 wrote:

@Andy Sometimes you have to rewatch an anime to understand it as there can be a lot you missed the first time you watch it. 

Like you do with GoT. 🙂

@caseyb1993 Ah you see it's all coming out now isn't it .... Not only have I ploughed my way through 37 episodes of Death Note, devoting endless hours in the late night to watching it but now you tell me I'll need to watch it again to work it out properly .... Could you not have told me this BEFORE I started??????????? 😄


Ah no, I've really enjoyed it, so much that I'm now looking forward to watching the Japanese live films and the new Netflix film to see how they compare! Last two episodes tonight and then I can give my final verdict!


Just pick me a nice easy anime for my next adventure pretty please :L

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@Anonymous User @caseyb1993


Phew! You'll be glad to know I've finally got to the end of Death Note. Yet more complicated switching of notebooks and fake notebooks at the end I see (how many notebooks are there and how many times have they been swapped around, it's like the worst game of musical chairs ever) and whilst I wasn't that convinced Near would actually get one-up on Light, with him being about 5 years old and all that, it was a good ending to the show, naughty Ryuk mopping up the loose ends, and ohhhh Misa!!!!! She didn't deserve it did she? I know what you mean about needing to watch again as ever since L died it's gotten really complicated quite quickly, but for my first proper anime it was a corker, so thanks guys!!!
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@Anonymous User @caseyb1993


So, I'll be picking up Netflix again after GoT (in time for the Death Note film!) and now you get to bombard me with more ideas, so any suggestions for what I ought to have a crack at next. I've put together a Wishlist but feel free to ignore if there's something you think I'd really like or there's some classic that everyone should see


1. Preferably no dragons, unicorns, pink fluffy things, no witches or wizards - or at least not ones that look like they're out of Harry Potter
2. Doesn't need too much knowledge of Japanese culture or anime history, I'm still a beginner remember!
3. I love the fact that Death Note is basically like a really tense thriller with lots of twists and turns and the supernatural elements are taken seriously not played for laughs so you can basically run with it
4. I like horror and scifi so any of those elements are good
5. Not too many episodes so I still have time to watch other stuff!
6. Not too complicated or hard to follow, Deathnote was just about right for me in terms of plenty going on but still quite easy to keep track of (until the last few eps!)
I'm in your capable hands, don't be cruel and give me a 180 ep saga!

Anonymous User
Not applicable

@Andy @caseyb1993


What a journey it is watching that series..I remember when I watched it for the first time, I was on a cruise and when I finished it I went up to the top deck in the evening and just laid there contemplating life. But that's just the surface Andy 😉 we've got a whole lot more to show you. 


I'm going to copy down these points on your Wishlist and refer to my collection haha!


Welcome to Ryan and Casey's Anime Academy.

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@Anonymous User wrote:


Welcome to Ryan and Casey's Anime Academy.

@Anonymous User Oh excellent sign me up for Anime Basics 101, I'm aiming for at least a 2.1! 





Ryan contemplates the meaning of life on top deck after watching anime