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With Awards Season well and truly upon us, we’ve decided create our own NOW TV Awards from the huge selection in the NOW TV library. Over the next week, we’re going to select some of our all-time favourites in the categories of Comedy, Horror, Action, Family and Drama and we’d like you to vote for the winners by hitting like on the movie of your choice in our Facebook gallery.

Ladies and gentlemen, in the category of Best Horror on NOW TV, we have the following nominations:

American Psycho.jpg Dawn Of The Dead.jpg Sixth Sense.jpg Se7en.jpg

American Psycho
Based on the novel by Bret Easton Ellis, American Psycho is the story of serial killer Patrick Bateman, played by Christian Bale, told in first person as the audience are given a detailed account of the businessman’s secret and graphically violent life. Set in Manhattan during the contrast-collar-wearing, slick-hair-having and heavily-drug-taking Wall Street of the 1980s, we follow Bateman’s “day to day activities” which make Freddy Kruger look like Father Christmas. With a vigorous morning ritual, obsession with high fashion and finely printed business cards, Bateman is a clean cut yet very fussy individual which makes his lifestyle choices very surprising. Add to that a sarcastic and witty narrative throughout, one can forget the mutilations, sexual abuse and killings. American Psycho is brilliance in 100 minutes which has stood the test of time for over 10 years strong and will continue to maintain its stance as a horror classic for many more to come.

Dawn of the Dead
Zombies really are the monsters of the moment, and Dawn of the Dead must be one of the best zombie movies ever. Zach Snyder made an impressive directorial debut in 2004 with this faithful remake of the 1978 classic which sees the survivors of the zombie apocalypse taking refuge in a shopping centre. This movie is fast paced and gruesome with great special effects and zombies that are much faster and stronger than those in The Walking Dead. However, it doesn’t take itself too seriously, which is always a bonus in my opinion.  One thing I really appreciated when I gave it a re-watch lately, was that the main cast is made up of so many familiar faces from classic TV shows. Ty Burell (Modern Family), Mekhi Phifer and Ving Rhames (ER), Michael Kelly (House of Cards) and Jake Webber (Medium) star in this great zombie horror action that will keep you watching all the way until the very end of the credits.

The Sixth Sense
“I see dead people.” As soon as those words left Cole Sear’s mouth, The Sixth Sense became a horror classic. Played superbly by a young Hayley Joel Osment, Cole does indeed see dead people, haunting him day and night. Enter Bruce Willis’ character, child psychologist Malcolm Crowe, taking it upon himself to help Cole and understand what is happening. All is not quite as it seems though, with the case taking its toll on Malcolm and the relationship with his wife. Chilling, tense and dripping with atmosphere, The Sixth Sense is director M Night Shyamalan is at his supreme best. Just make sure you leave the lights on!

Gluttony. Greed. Sloth. Envy. Wrath. Pride. Lust. The Seven Deadly Sins. We all know them, but what if someone takes them way too seriously? Like a serial killer…? Luckily for us, we’re not the detectives facing this dangerous murderer (except if you’re Brad Pitt or Morgan Freeman)  – but it’s a must-see. Just don’t watch it alone!


Who's got your vote?? Make your pick on the NOW TV Facebook page now!