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While we wait patiently for this year’s Golden Globe winners to make their way onto NOW TV, we thought it was a good time to revisit the winners from last year.

Brave won Best Animated Feature Film ahead of runner ups Frankenweenie, Hotel Transylvania and Rise of the Guardians.

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Best Motion Picture  - Drama and Best Motion Picture – Comedy or Musical was won by Argo and Les Miserables respectively, although the competition was close with Django Unchained, Life of Pi, Lincoln and Zero Dark Thirty, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, Moonrise Kingdom, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen and Silver Linings Playbook all being worthy contenders. It’s also worth noting that Argo had another win as Ben Affleck took out the award for Best Director – Motion Picture.


Best Performance By An Actor in a Motion Picture – Comedy or Musical was yet another win for Les Miserables thanks to an amazing performance from Hugh Jackman. Bradley Cooper (Silver Linings Playbook), Bill Murray (Hyde Park on Hudson), Jack Black (Bernie) and Ewen McGregor (Salmon Fishing in the Yemen) were all runners up. Meanwhile, Best Performance By An Actor in a Motion Picture – Drama was taken out by Daniel Day Lewis for his portrayal of Lincoln (available on NOW TV from January 17), although Joaquin Phoenix (The Master), Denzel Washington (Flight), Richard Gere (Arbitrage) and John Hawkes (The Sessions) gave him a good run for his money.

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Best Performance By An Actress in a Motion Picture – Comedy or Musical and Best Performance By An Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama went to Jennifer Lawrence for Silver Linings Playbook and Jessica Chastain for Zero Dark Thirty although Emily Blunt (Salmon Fishing in the Yemen), Judi Dench (Best Exotic Marigold Hotel), Maggie Smith (Quartet), Meryl Streep (Hope Springs), Marion Cotillard (Rust and Bone), Helen Mirren (Hitchcock – available on NOW TV January 24), Naomi Watts (The Impossible) and Rachel Weisz (The Deep Blue Sea) were also candidates.

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Taking out the Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture and Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture were Christopher Waltz for Django Unchained and Anne Hathaway for Les Miserables.

Other notable movies from last year’s Golden Globes were Skyfall which won Best Original Song – Motion Picture, and Anna Karenina and Cloud Atlas which lost out on Best Original Score – Movie to Life of Pi.

Have you had a chance to see all of last year’s Golden Globe winners yet?