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Being an 80’s baby and a hard-core Man Utd fan means that I am of the ‘Sir Alex Ferguson generation’ - the poor peer group that spent their childhood, adolescence and probably adulthood being accused of ‘glory hunting’.  It wasn’t as traumatic as I enjoyed most summers celebrating being Champions of England. Nevertheless, Sir Alex retired and David Moyes was recruited as ‘The Chosen One’ elect. 

Now, I love ABBA. Yes! The 70’s Swedish Pop/Disco group occupy a very special place in my heart. Strangely, I recently noticed how many of their song titles can relate to the United fan’s current predicament. I’ve decided to apply these tracks to convince any of you doubters out there why Man Utd fans all over the globe should back David Moyes and keep faith in the current squad to flourish and develop into a successful team. 


Take a Chance on Me

 I am of the belief that Man Utd have taken a chance in appointing Moyes as Sir Alex’s successor. Yes, it’s true: Moyes’ trophy cabinet is empty (..ish if you include the Charity Shield), yes he has never worked with the massive budget that being top boss at Old Trafford affords, ok so he’s totally unproven in Europe and has no real Champions League experience, and according to some, has apparently never really developed any youth system players through the Everton ranks (although the likes of Jack Rodwell, Seamus Coleman, Wayne Rooney and Ross Barkley could argue against that).

However, United fans must respect what he achieved at Everton, they must recognise the excellent signings he made; Leighton Baines, Steven Pienaar, Mikel Arteta , Tim Chil and of course Marouane Fellaini.  Moyes bought in quality players to Goodison Park despite a lack in funds, I found he was shrewd in the transfer market and created an Everton side that was tough to beat.  Time is what Moyes deserves, the pressure of his new role job is inherent and the media will always scrutinise but fans must remain trusting and supportive. 

Lay All Your Love On Me

If boos at Old Trafford become a norm, this will affect the players, staff and consequently create more tension and transform the Theatre of Dreams into a fortress of nightmares. This is the exact opposite of what we fans want, so jeering is utterly worthless. The whole concept of being a football fan is to support and remain loyal through the good and bad times. And this is why I love football - the emotional roller-coaster we are taken on season after season.

After losing to Real Madrid in the Champions League last March, I fondly remember Sir Alex gesturing to the Old Trafford crowd to get behind the team; that is the spirit we must show during this difficult transitional period.  So show some support to the team and express some love to Moyes because he’s not going anywhere.

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 The Winner Takes It All

 I am emotionally invested in Manchester United football club, and I love the club with all my heart. The results of the team often dictate my mood on weekends. Only football is capable of making me feel this way. This past summer when we won the league for the 20th time, I blasted Queen’s ‘We are the Champions’ on loop until my family staged an intervention. Yes the winner takes it all, so whoever is 1st in the league come May will be the newly crowned champions and we must live with it.

SOS (Save Our Season)

 Crisis? There’s no crisis at United; it’s simply too early to label our poor start to the domestic campaign as a state of emergency. A crisis is going trophy-less for almost 10 years (*ahem* Arsenal) and I suspect that people have forgotten we’ve acquired an entirely new backroom staff and chief executive. Time is the key to everything as are setting realistic targets, I think United should aim for domestic glory preferably the FA cup, attempt a good run in the Champions League and finish in the top 4. I would take that right now.

 I’m not shocked at the results. Perhaps if we had adequately replaced Paul Scholes and strengthened the centre of the park with players such as Fabregas or Ozil, maybe we could have had better expectations, but this first season for Moyes was always going to be a learning curve.  All of our rivals adequately bolstered their squads and the league table proves that.

 There is a somewhat warped side of me that is rather enjoying this bad spell as it divides the realist hard-core fans from the fickle prawn-sandwich brigade glory hunters.

 I Have A Dream

The spine of the team is young, talented and promising with a squad of David de Gea, Rafael, Smalling, Evans, Jones, Fellaini, Januzaj, Zaha Rooney and Welbeck.  People may have forgotten that we have a championship winning blend of experienced and youth in our squad. With the right signings, we could seriously challenge for all four trophies next season.   


  Money Money Money

Whilst Moyes should invest in his own players, implement his style into the team, he does also needs to sell. Since we lost out to Baines in the summer, we should turn our attention to Luke Shaw, or try to buy Herrea again. There’s always an experienced defensive midfielder like Danielle De Rossi or creative attacking player like Sneijder or a striker like Benzema. Surely all are worthy targets? I also feel Moyes deserves credit for handling the tricky Rooney situatuon in the summer which has led to his excellent form this season.

Name Of The Game

I am not an eternal optimist, I have my concerns. I am still scarred from the embarrassing transfer saga of the summer. Man Utd fans need to accept that you can’t win ‘em all and being gracious losers is all a part of the game.  I do worry that we’ll end up trophy less, and I fear we may not qualify for the Champions League if current form continues. However, I know Moyes is in it for the long haul, so I can safely say that I believe in David Moyes and what the players can deliver.


When All Is Said And Done

Lastly, I am urging all Man Utd fans to keep patient and remember the wise words during Alex Ferguson’s retirement speech. ‘Stand by our new manager’

The positives from the season so far have to be Adnan Januzaj who has come of age, a solid De Gea in goal is proving to be one of the most consistent keepers in the league, as well as Jones and Smalling who have been excellent in their defensive roles.  A Rooney and Van Persie partnership is always guaranteed to threaten defences, and who can complain about the results in Europe?

I am excited to see what the Moyes era brings. I trust Sir Alex’s judgement and more importantly I trust David Moyes. 

So "come on David Moyes, play like Fergie’s boys, we go wild wild wild…".

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