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Anonymous User
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Box set expiry - Walking Dead

Can anyone tell me if expiry dates on box sets are UP TO or INCLUDING the date shown. Walking Dead says available until Friday 11th November, so will it be gone on Friday or will it disappear Friday night.
(I have way too many eps to watch 😱)
Legend 5
Legend 5

@Anonymous User it will be available on Friday, It is likely to go at 11pm as that is time programs are available from.
Please take a moment to click thanks or marked as solution if this answered your question. I am a community contributor and pop on when I can.
Anonymous User
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I am devastated that the walking dead series 1-6 has been removed off now TV will it be returning?
I am currently on series 4 and was catching up as never watched the series when it first come out
Anonymous User
Not applicable
Same! We were on season 5 and now it's disappeared! Don't understand why???
Anonymous User
Not applicable
I hope it returns!!!!
Legend 5
Legend 5

@Anonymous User @Anonymous User


Welcome to the forum. Unfortunately NOW TV only buy the rights to boxsets for a certain period of time, after which they expire to make way for other boxsets. 


TWD will definitely be back as a boxset in the future. No word on specific dates yet but this year for instance TWD boxsets were back on in February for a couple of months so hopefully something similar should happen next year. Keep an eye on the blog as there's usually an announcement each month on new boxsets

and on this thread which lists new boxsets when they appear


Also so if you have Amazin Prime (or an Amazin Instant Video subscription) then they currently have seasons 1-5 available to watch, but not S6.


For more info on how content works on NOW TV see the following help page

Legend 5
Legend 5

@Anonymous User @Anonymous User


If you weren't aware and it's still of interest, NOW TV are adding seasons 1-6 and the first half of season7 back up as boxsets on January 30th, depending on how fast you watch you can get up to date ready for the second half of season 7 in Feb.

Anonymous User
Not applicable
Brilliant thanks for letting me know
Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hiya was dissapointed to find that the walking dead box sets had been taken of as i just payed to watch them will they be put back on

Legend 5
Legend 5

@Anonymous User


Welcome to the forum. Unfortunately NOW TV only buy the rights to boxsets for a certain period of time, after which they expire to make way for other boxsets.


TWD will definitely be back as a boxset in the future. No word on specific dates yet but this year for instance TWD boxsets were back on in February for a couple of months so hopefully something similar should happen next year. Keep an eye on the blog as there's usually an announcement each month on new boxsets

and on this thread which lists new boxsets when they appear


Also so if you have Amazon Prime (or an Amazon Instant Video subscription) then they currently have seasons 1-5 available to watch, but not S6.


For more info on how content works on NOW TV see the following help page