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NOW TV Player issues

How is it even possible that every other streaming service and video player on the internet works without a single issue. I play multiplayer games with no issues... But NOW TV keeps pixelating every few minutes whenever I try to watch something. 


I tried looking up solutions but I just came across some bot responding with "advice" to use a wired connection over wireless. How about Sky actually fixes this sad excuse for a streaming service?

Legend 5
Legend 5


I'm sorry I can't be more helpful but unfortunately this has been an issue with the Now TV player on Windows for a number of years.


I find that all other streaming services work perfectly for me on my PC...only Now TV has the problem.


If I watch Now TV on my iPad there are no problems either.


The Windows Now TV player for PC is faulty and has been for years. I never managed to speak to anyone at Now TV/Sky who could fix it.


They are, sadly, incompetent.


...another year rolls by and it's still just as bad.