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Notify existing supplier changeover

Currently getting billed by previous provider. The support from them said now broadband should of contacted them to inform them.

I don't like ringing, as I prefer a wrigt/typed response to these things, to get the charges resolved at the end of who should of done what.

Where to go first please? 

Legend 5
Legend 5


Well officially there are 2 ways to move supplier.

  1. To straight up cancel with the suppler 
  2. To inform your new supplier that you want to move from your current supplier and they will deal with everything for you

Point 1 could mean you will be out of internet for a period of time. Point 2 is probably what you are being told. 

So it boils down to how you cancelled with the previous supplier?

FYI that I do not work for NOW, just a NOW customer trying to help

Thanks Gavs  left it in the hands of Now to do it. Enjoyed a seamless transfer, but need them to inform previous supplier when the service was changed over. Is there an email option out there? 

Champion 2